Peter Gluckman

Sir Peter Gluckman FRS is chair of the International Network of Government Science Advice (INGSA) ( and President-elect of the International Science Council (ISC).  He heads Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures ( in the University of Auckland. He is also Chief Scientific Officer of the Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences.  From 2009-2018 he was first Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Ministers of New Zealand. He has served on several IMF and OECD advisory groups related to science and technology and to the digital transition.  He trained as a pediatrician and biomedical scientist, publishing over 700 papers and several academic and popular books in developmental physiology, growth and development and evolutionary biology and evolutionary medicine. He co-chaired the WHO Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity. Sir Peter has written and spoken extensively on science-policy, science-diplomacy and science-society interactions. In 2016 he received the AAAS award in Science Diplomacy. He holds a Distinguished University Professorship in the University of Auckland, New Zealand and honorary chairs at the University College London, University of Southampton and National University of Singapore.